I’d love to hear form you on any topic about whisky and what it can do. Please also see the social links at the foot of this message.
A polite note on collaboration…
If you have an idea for a collaboration I’d be happy to hear form you, but there is a caveat.
The channel and everything I do in whisky is funded by the community. Through their support via Patreon, watching & subscribing, donating and buying channel merch, the channel remains independent and focused on bringing content for a curious, knowledgable and engaged audience.
Therefore, with the greatest of respect, I do not accept free gifts or samples for review or advertisement. If, however, your idea provides a mutual, valuable contribution to help make content and is not self-promotional or advertising in nature, I really would like to hear from you.
Aqvavitae is based in Glasgow, Scotland.

Living Forever
If a body could just find the exac’ proper proportion and quantity that ought to be drunk every day, and keep to that, I verily trow that he might leev for ever, without dyin’ at a’, and that doctors and kirkyairds would go oot o’ fashion.
The Ettrick Shepherd
Quoted by Christopher North, and discovered in Charles McLean’s Miscellany of Whisky.