Aqvavitae is a channel for sharing whisky and concepts to help enjoy whisky more. It is conceived by Roy, a Scot from Glasgow who couldn’t help but share how amazing a creation whisky is.
Based on an idea that “it’s not whisky until it's shared” Roy is responsible for the YouTube channel Aqvavitae which includes Recycled Reviews and the Aqvavitae Blind Challenge. He’s also the host of the (now weekly) vPub; a live broadcast and virtual whisky bar. A place to foster whisky knowledge and community while sharing a little down time in our busy weeks. Read on a bit for more…
“You won’t get me on YouTube…”
sometime in 2016.
Most of my favourite things in life, I once hated.
Curry, wine, walking, olives, beer, golf*, seafood. Certainly, I once hated whisky.
It's a common tale. I hated the smell, the associations, the spirit burn and even the 'whisky drinkers' as I perceived them. And yes, in my younger days I had my painful introduction to the power of whisky when I failed to give it the respect it deserved.
Yet, one day, everything changed. Step by step, my senses have been challenged, overwhelmed, recalibrated and seduced by whisky experiences. I often find it difficult to express and convey the affect this amazing creation can have. I am astounded at what can be discovered in a small measure of the world's finest drink. Clearly, it's simply too good to keep to myself. I'm filled with the desire to share.
It's this passion that saw the creation of these pages. To share the thoughts, ideas and concepts that surround the magic. To spread the enthusiasm and excitement, to evangelise, to enlighten. I feel compelled.
I'm really quite wary of this whole 'digital-world' thing, but at least now I've learned to have patience with things I hate. Chances are I'm gonna end up loving it.
*I still have a little hate for golf
December 2016
[Update 2020: Yep. Loving it. Read on if you’d like to rewind further.]
“What is it, exactly, that you taste when you drink whisky?”

It was 2005, Wednesday the 28th September. I was stood next to my first glass of malt whisky which was sat atop an upturned sherry cask, probably Oloroso. Funny I can guess the previous incumbent now, but I couldn’t have back then.
In those days I was probably mostly drinking beer, and I would enjoy wine with food but rarely drink spirits or anything else. Luca arrived from Italy, where our head office is located. An optical tech exhibition in Glasgow’s SECC meant a few days stopover and he had time on the Wednesday before the flight home. He wanted to visit a distillery. Admitting I knew nothing of whisky, and further admitting I didn’t like it, was a shock to him. As far as he was concerned, how could I live here and choose not to take an interest in the world’s finest spirit?
Anyway, some internet searching uncovered a small distillery north of Glasgow. It was taking tours. I booked us in with our colleague Simon (an Englishman who liked whisky - embarrassing). “Which distillery did you find?” “Oh it’s just a little one Luca, not far form here, it’s called Glengoyne”.
“Excellent! One of my favourites!”
“Oh really?”
What first struck me at Glengoyne were the familiar and comforting smells; grain, fermentation, industry of sorts, mixing with steam and noise to create a spirit, I would discover, as clear as water. There was familiarity. From where though? Scottish osmosis? Could it be whisky had been around me and I never paid attention? Like, ever? While I took in the environment, Luca studied the process and asked questions demonstrating his love of the product. How could an Italian, with all the finer things available to him, love whisky? I remember thinking “there must be something in this”.
In the tasting room, leaning against the aforementioned cask, I sipped a Glengoyne single malt. The first time I sipped a malt whisky for malt whisky’s sake. It was their 10 year old; soft, malty, sweet and dry with a hot, warming spice. Instantly familiar yet completely new.
Something had switched on the lights. All of them. Holding a single sip on my palate for just a few moments was a challenge - even at a “lowly” 40% ABV - I wasn’t used to neat spirits, but the payback was a wave of sensory clarity that becomes greater every time I recall it.
I left the tasting room and headed straight for the shop. I bought I bottle of Glengoyne 10 year old, and Simon gifted me a Glengoyne branded water jug. I still have one of those things.
I remember my wife’s reaction, which is telling of how estranged we were to our national drink, “Whisky? You bought a bottle of whisky?”
No. I took a step.
Thank you Luca.
If you have an idea for a collaboration I’d be happy to hear form you, but there is a caveat.
The channel and everything I do in whisky is funded by the community. Through their support via Patreon, watching, subscribing, donating and buying channel merch, the channel remains independent and focused on bringing content for a curious, knowledgable and engaged audience.
Therefore, with the greatest of respect, I do not accept free gifts or samples for review or advertisement. If, however, your idea provides a mutual, valuable contribution to help make interesting content and does not place self-promotion or advertising forefront, I would love to hear from you.